We love BangaloreWALKS!
"...This is such a cool way to learn ! It was much more fun than parties and other entertainment..."
Read more such reactions below....
I enjoyed the Nature Explorience because we took real samples! I learnt a lot about trees and how they adapt, and fun ways to use their seeds and pods. I am using the chestnut pod as a floating candle! – Ranjini Narayan, Vidya Shilp Academy
It was very interesting and fun to learn so much about Bangalore’s history. I wish all history lessons could be like this. – Kavya Ramanan, MAIS
I would like to tell you that my boys were simply THRILLED to have been a part of your walk. They couldn’t stop talking about it when they came home. Looking forward to the next walk. – Nupur Sista, mom of Sheehan and Zaki, MAIS
I have enjoyed our week with BangaloreWALKS thoroughly. Now I feel a week isn’t enough to see the city! – Shunori Ramanathan, MAIS
I REALLY enjoyed the Nature Explorience. It was cool, fun, educational, and nicely organized. I liked it so much I’m coming again next week! – Noor, TISB
So many new unseen places and things in a city I thought I knew! This trip has been an absolute pleasure. I have never experienced anything like it, and am eager for more. – Abhimanyu Arni, MAIS
My kids had a whale of a time. They were so thrilled to see so many new things in a familiar place like LalBagh which they have been visiting since they were very little. – Arathi Pasumarthy, mom of Abhiram and Aditi, Vidya Shilp
My favourite was the chicken pox tree. It was really nice that we got the notebooks to write down all the points and draw things. It was so much fun sitting under a tree and eating. – Ishani Ghose, Shishugriha
First my son wanted to go with me and cried because he thought he was the only one without mother. But when he came back, he told me "I was ok! I want to go again." - Naoko Suzuki, mom of Yodai, TISB
I have only one complaint – three hours was too short! I thought this was one of the best activities I have done! - Saloni Basrur, Vidya Shilp Academy
I will never look at a tree as just a thing growing again. The walk was more fun than parties and other entertainment. – Dhwani Yagnaraman, Vidya Shilp Academy
I had lots of fun in LalBagh because everything was described very clearly to me. We learnt that spotted sunlight is called dappled sunlight. I loved the Biscuit Tree which had seed pods shaped like biscuits. – Anavi Mullick, The Valley School
Under normal circumstances, we can't get Kavya to walk for more than 20 mins without complaining. The fact that she spent 4 hours walking around and thought it was "fun", is a real testament to how much she enjoyed it. – Suresh Ramaswamy, dad of Kavya, Sri Kumaran’s English School
For further details, please call Roopa at 98806 71192, or write to bangalorewalks@gmail.com.

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